Extra features needed for a better simulation
The simulation we have considered in this assignment is a very simple
one that makes a number of sweeping assumptions, for example
- the rate at which pollutant appears in the reservoir is the same for
every part of the reservoir
- the concentration of pollutant is the same everywhere in the reservoir
- the pollutant is only removed by one process, the rate of which depends
only on the concentration of the pollutant
These are clearly gross over-simplifications. In a more realistic simulation
it would be necessary to allow for many more features. For example, in
attempting to simulate the fate of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere
is would be necessary to allow for
- the pollutant being emitted into the lower troposphere and gradually
diffusing up through the atmosphere
- the concentration of pollutant being different in different parts of
the reservoir
- several different methods for the removal of pollutant, for example,
gas phase reactions, reactions on the surface of aerosols, dissolution
in rain water
- interactions between the main pollutant and any other pollutants present
in the reservoir
Such a simulation is beyond the scope of A level chemistry, but this
interesting field of study is being actively pursued by many research groups
across the World.
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