Simulation - Quiz 3

  1. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane, CCl3F) are present in the atmosphere at similar concentrations (250 to 280 parts per trillion by volume), but have enormously different lifetimes. Which is removed from the atmosphere at a faster rate? [NO2 or CCl3F]

  2. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) have similar lifetimes but enormously different atmospheric concentrations. Which is removed from the atmosphere at a faster rate? [NO2 or CO]

  3. In the context of atmospheric pollutants, what is another name for lifetime? [xxxxxxxxxx xxxx]

  4. Given that Rin = Rout = [X]ss/t for a reservoir at steady state, calculate the rate of input of CCl3F to the atmosphere in pptv per year to one significant figure. [x pptv per year]

  5. In the context of atmospheric pollutants, what is another name for residence time? [xxxxxxxx]

  6. When the concentrations of the substances in an environmental reservoir have reached constant values the system is said to be in a . [xxxxxx xxxxx]